Orthodontics involves the movement of teeth within the jaw. It allows clinicians to apply mechanical forces on the teeth and attain the desired teeth positions, functionality, and aesthetics for their patients.
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Clear aligners have gained popularity ever since their introduction owing to the unique perks that they offer. Patients favor them because of their virtually invisible appearance and increased comfort. On the other hand, clinicians find them attractive owing to several benefits
Class II malocclusion stands out as one of the most common issues we encounter in the field of orthodontics. It's a concern that affects a significant portion of school-age children in Europe, afflicting approximately 37% of them. Furthermore, in the United States, it's found in roughly 33% of all orthodontic patients
Clear aligner technology has evolved drastically in the last two decades. Although clear aligners seem relatively new, the concept of using removable appliances to move and correctly position teeth dates back to the 1940s. The aligners themselves have been modified extensively to increase the efficacy of tooth movements.
Enameloplasty, also called odontoplasty, dental contouring, tooth reshaping, or tooth stripping, is a cosmetic dentistry procedure in which a very small amount of enamel is removed or filed to change the length, shape, or surface of a tooth.
Clear aligners have been developed and refined over the past few years to achieve desirable and optimal tooth movement. This article will shed light on the biomechanics of clear aligners and its effect on orthodontic tooth movement.
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